Category: Politik

Priest Accused of anti-Semitism Behind New Polish Holocaust Museum

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A new museum in Poland will exhibit over 40,000 accounts of Polish Christians who saved Jews during the Holocaust.

The Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage will donate $22 million to the Saint John Paul II Memory and Identity Museum. Its goal is to present the over 1,000-year history of Christian Poland with particular emphasis on the teachings of Pope John Paul II and its impact on the fate of Poland, Europe and the world.

Categories: Politik

Hungary will stop immigrants with brutal laws ~~

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Those who enter illegally, will be caught, prisoned and quickly expelled from the country. Those who submit an asylum application will not be able to enter Hungary and will be sent back to Serbia. The government prepares for crowd control scenes too, but according to Orbán’s plans, that is the only way that there will be relatively calm for Christmas.


Categories: Politik

German Chemicals Giant Bayer Buys American Pesticides Giant Monsanto For $66 Billion

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“Bayer and Monsanto today announced that they signed a definitive merger agreement under which Bayer will acquire Monsanto for USD 128 per share in an all-cash transaction,” the firms said in a statement.

Bayer repeatedly increased its offer to Monsanto since its first $122-per-share bid, but the US firm had until now held out for more cash.

“This represents a major step forward for our crop science business,” Bayer chief executive Werner Baumann said in the statement.

The two firms said that the deal “brings together two different, but highly complementary” businesses.

Monsanto shareholders still have to approve the deal, as do regulators — with Bayer staking a $2 billion reverse antitrust break fee in case the merger is rejected by US or European authorities.

The deal is expected to be completed by the end of 2017.

Bayer has been pursuing Monsanto since late May, when it made an initial bid of $122 per share (109 euros), valuing the US genetically modified (GM) crop giant at $62 billion.

Monsanto rejected that bid, but said it was “open” to further talks.

Categories: News, Politik

Bloomberg alarmuje. Polska wśród krajów najbardziej narażonych na światowe perturbacje

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Turcja, Węgry i Polska to, jak wyliczył Bloomberg, kraje o najwyższym udziale zadłużenia zagranicznego w relacji do PKB. Nad Wisłą sięga ono 55,6 proc. Według gazety czyni to naszą gospodarkę bardziej “kruchą” (z ang. fragile) i podatną na światowe zawirowania, jak np. wzrost rentowności amerykańskich obligacji, niż inne kraje.

Categories: News, Politik

Martin Schultz – VICTORY??

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Bereite mich auf meine Rede vor. Ich will morgen niemanden überreden, sondern überzeugen. Gebührenfreie Kitas, ein starkes Europa und menschenwürdige Pflege – das gibt es nur, wenn wir regieren. Die Chance jetzt vielen Menschen spürbar helfen zu können, ist für mich eine Pflicht.

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