Month: June 2018

MŚ 2018. Sensacja w meczu Korea Płd. – Niemcy! Mistrzowie świata odpadli z mundialu!

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W niesamowitych okolicznościach Niemcy odpadli z mundialu w Rosji. W doliczonym czasie gry podczas meczu z Koreą Płd. mistrzowie świata stracili dwa gole i zajęli ostatnie miejsce w grupie F. Pierwszy raz w historii zdarzyło się, by Niemcy odpadli w fazie grupowej mistrzostw świata. Do 1/8 finału awansowała Szwecja oraz Meksyk, mimo że w ostatnim spotkaniu przegrał ze Skandynawami aż 0:3.

Categories: Sport

Hungary will stop immigrants with brutal laws ~~

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Those who enter illegally, will be caught, prisoned and quickly expelled from the country. Those who submit an asylum application will not be able to enter Hungary and will be sent back to Serbia. The government prepares for crowd control scenes too, but according to Orbán’s plans, that is the only way that there will be relatively calm for Christmas.


Categories: Politik

2018 FIFA World Cup Russia

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To będzie najbezpieczniejszy, najlepiej zorganizowany i najbardziej efektowny mundial w historii. Dlaczego? Bo tak postanowił Putin – mówi Roman Imielski, dziennikarz „Gazety Wyborczej” oraz współautor nowo wydanej książki „Najważniejszy mecz Kremla”. I dodaje, że tylko Sborna zdaje się prezydenta nie słuchać.


Categories: News

German Chemicals Giant Bayer Buys American Pesticides Giant Monsanto For $66 Billion

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“Bayer and Monsanto today announced that they signed a definitive merger agreement under which Bayer will acquire Monsanto for USD 128 per share in an all-cash transaction,” the firms said in a statement.

Bayer repeatedly increased its offer to Monsanto since its first $122-per-share bid, but the US firm had until now held out for more cash.

“This represents a major step forward for our crop science business,” Bayer chief executive Werner Baumann said in the statement.

The two firms said that the deal “brings together two different, but highly complementary” businesses.

Monsanto shareholders still have to approve the deal, as do regulators — with Bayer staking a $2 billion reverse antitrust break fee in case the merger is rejected by US or European authorities.

The deal is expected to be completed by the end of 2017.

Bayer has been pursuing Monsanto since late May, when it made an initial bid of $122 per share (109 euros), valuing the US genetically modified (GM) crop giant at $62 billion.

Monsanto rejected that bid, but said it was “open” to further talks.

Categories: News, Politik

Tesla teases the Model Y yet again

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While Tesla is still working on ramping up Model 3 production, it doesn’t sound like its future vehicles’ development has fallen by the wayside. The automaker has revealed another shadowy sketch of the Model Y crossover SUV during its most recent shareholders meeting. Based on the photo Electrek grabbed, it doesn’t reveal a lot about the vehicle — the design sketch at least shows Model Y from a different angle than what the first photo showed — but Tesla chief Elon Musk shared a few details about the crossover. He said Model Y won’t have any leather and even joked that it might not have a steering wheel at all.

“Model Y will not have any leather in it,” the CEO said, “even in the steering wheel… even if it does have a steering wheel.” Musk might be joking, might but it won’t come as a surprise if Tesla decides not to put a steering wheel in the vehicle, seeing as other automakers intend to do the same for their fully autonomous vehicles. GM, for instance, announced its plans to release cars with no steering wheels in 2019 earlier this year. We’ll know for sure once Tesla launches the electric SUV, which could happen anytime between the end of this year and mid-2019.

Categories: News

Microsoft confirms it’s acquiring GitHub for $7.5 billion

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Microsoft has reportedly acquired GitHub, and could announce the deal as early as Monday. Bloomberg reports that the software giant has agreed to acquire GitHub, and that the company chose Microsoft partly because of CEO Satya Nadella. Business Insider first reported that Microsoft had been in talks with GitHub recently.
GitHub is a vast code repository that has become popular with developers and companies hosting their projects, documentation, and code. Apple, Amazon, Google, and many other big tech companies use GitHub. Microsoft is the top contributor to the site, and has more than 1,000 employees actively pushing code to repositories on GitHub. Microsoft even hosts its own original Windows File Manager source code on GitHub. The service was last valued at $2 billion back in 2015, but it’s not clear exactly how much Microsoft has paid to acquire GitHub.

Categories: News, Screenshot
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